Sei in: Prodotti: Pesatrici e Bilance Overallmachinery And System:

The net weight weighing machine Mod. EN-SC


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The net weight weighing machine Mod. EN-SC with single screw feeding is suitable for working with powder p roducts ( cement, white cement, mixed powders of different nature).

This machine is very reliable for the functioning, production speed and it can guarantee a weighing precision.

According to the customers needs, if in the same time two different products have to be weighed, this machine can be supplied as a double version and the units are assembled on the same machine basement.

This solution can be convenient as it will reduce the occupied space of machine.

The screw feeder is controlled by an independent electrical motor, rubber belt and pulley.

The functions are to distinguish to operation of thick and thin product feeding control.

The independent frequency changer gives the possibility to the weigher to be independent according to the different types of products which are bagged.

The operation of thick and thin which is installed on the machine gives the possibility to obtain better results by adjusting the product flow.

This will also give the possibility to the operator to avoid regulation when the products are changing.

At the end of weighing cycle, a pneumatic shutter positioned under the screw system will shut/stop the products flow.

The weighing container is held by load calls class C3 which are detecting the weight information which are controlled by an electronic control panel.