Sei in: Prodotti: Insaccatrici a Valvola Automatiche:

Automatic screw feed bagging machine for valve bags,


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Automatic screw feed bagging machine for valve bags, suitable and specially made for the bagging of easy flow products such as, flour in general and powder products.

For the high speed of the bag filling, this machine is used for high production.

The machine is very flexible, beside the single bag filling mouth it is possible to install on the machine a second product feeding mouth, which gives the machine the possibility to double the production. It is a fast machine, suitable for the filling of valve bags with minimum dimension of mm. 110 and maximum mm. 180. The bagging machine is combined with a net weight weigher which is positioned on the bag filling machine, allowing the whole operation to be very fast, by driving the product to the bag filling spout.

To assure a perfect bag filling and product levelling, the machine is equipped with a vibrating bag support, which will remove any product block that could be caused by the product it self.

The vibrating bag support has also a lifting function, so to remove very quickly the filled bag from the machine filling position.

The empty bag placing to the bag holding and filling spout of the machine , can be done totally in automatic mode by an automatic bag feeding machine, or, by the operator in a manual mode.