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PRODUCT: KGS (APF680-CPE680) Date: 30/10/2006 DESCRIPTION BACKING : E-F weight paper, antistatic BOND SYSTEM : resin GRAIN TYPE : aluminium oxide (P60-320) - silicon carbide (P360-800) GRIT RANGE : P 60 – 800 COATING : open COATED TREATMENT no-clogging substance FLEXING : 45° PRINT : Carboschroder / BMA STANDARD FORMS Rolls, belts APPLICATION Operation: Mechanical sanding, manual and automatic narrow and wide belts sander Materials: Transparent polyester lacquers, pigmented polyester paints, melamine, plastic, resinous wood. Uses: It is suitable for flat surfaces. Roughing and finishing of raw and varnished wood. It is special for easy-clogging woods