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Keeley Ibanez TS808 Mod True Bypass

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Marca: Keeley

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Ibanez TS808 Keeley modded.
The new TS808 offers a vintage look and sound. Many people are wondering if it needs mods since it's the Holy Grail TS808 with the new JRC chip installed. Sure it does! If you look at the board, it's the exact same as the TS9 and has the same "faults," if you will. Areas that need improvement are limited bass response that cuts so much that it appears as a huge midrange hump in the sound. Limited Gain range...doesn't get clean enough or on the other hand, doesn't get enough distortion. So we increase the gain range, in gets cleaner and more distorted through the range of the Drive Control. Also, the lack of transparency or muddiness becomes a problem for many users. All these things are fixed with our mods. Our approach is to give you the most out of this classic pedal.