Sei in: Prodotti: Effetti a Pedale:

T-Rex Viper

Disponibilità: BASSA
Marca: T-Rex

Acquista Richiedi info

This great-looking, phenomenal-sounding pedal takes the original swirling vibe sound and gives it an extra bite – with more voltage hurling your sound around the room. Spinning, whirling, shimmering and pulsating, this box is destined to join our other award-winning pedals as a modern classic – delivering sounds from the golden age of rock & roll to the twenty-first century.

Viper gives you a range of cool, modulated 70s sounds – all enhanced with a T-Rex bite. You’ll recognize the vibe effect at once, and it’s easy to dial in everything from “Little Wing” to “Bridge of Sighs”.

Unlike the seventies-sounding phase shifter or the chorus effect of the eighties, the sound of a vibe never goes out of style. It moves in a subtler way – as classic tracks from Hendrix and generations of his musical descendents bear witness. Use Viper to make your guitar stand out with a dynamic, vivid sound that will leave audiences calling for more.

Viper gives you just the control you need for the perfect sound on every tune while keeping it simple. The main controls are Depth, Speed and overall Level, while a Mode button takes you from the rotating speaker to a vibrato effect. A trimmer control on the underside of the pedal lets you tune the phase and intensity of your vibe.

The main controls on the Viper pedal are the DEPTH, SPEED and LEVEL knobs, while the MODE button lets you select the basic character of your vibe.

DEPTH controls the overall strength of the vibe effect. Start with a lower setting for a nice, subtle effect, and turn it up to send your sound whirling around the room.

The SPEED knob lets you adjust how fast or slow your sound modulates – no matter what the depth, or what mode you’re in.

LEVEL lets you adjust the overall output of your Viper pedal.

Use the MODE button to switch between the two classic vibe modes – a rotating speaker effect and a subtler vibrato sound.

The TRIM dial on the back of the unit (accessible using a flat-head screwdriver) lets you shape the intensity and character of your vibe sound. Experiment to get just the vibe you’re looking for.