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Line6 MM4

Disponibilità: BASSA
Marca: Line6

Acquista Richiedi info

The MM4 offers you 16 of the most popular and sought after modulation effects from the sweet warble of modeled tube bias tremolo, through 2 types of rotary speaker, to the rarest stereo choruses from the '80s. With fully programmable effect parameters and extra control available with the optional EX1 expression pedal, if making things shimmer and shake is your thing, the MM4 may become your favorite tool.

All new Line 6 digital models based on* classic effects including: Uni-Vibe, Phase 90, Leslie 147, CE-1 Chorus, MXR Flanger, the incredibly rare Tri-Stereo Chorus, Mutron Bi-phase, and much more.

Digital Effects 16
Factory Presets 20
User Programmable Channels 4
Controls Effect Selector, Speed, Depth, Tweak, Tweez, Mix
Additional Controls Expression Pedal (optional)
Mono/ Stereo Stereo in/ Stereo out
Chassis Color Blue