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THEGIGRIG.COM Remote + Loopy-2
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Ever wondered how to get your modulation and delay effects in your amps loop WITHOUT those massive tone sucking cable runs?
Want your effects back at the amp with the ability to control on stage with a simple footswitch?
We have the answer!
The Remote Loopy-2 allows you to set up the effects in your amps FX loop and control them remotely from anywhere on the stage.
The Remote Loopy-2 uses high quality audio relays to facilitate the switching of the 2 TRUE BYPASS effects loops. The trigger in the Remote Loopy-2 can be activated by any latching switch and as there is no audio in the trigger cable, it can be as long as you like with absolutely no effect on the audio quality!
Ever wondered how to get your modulation and delay effects in your amps loop WITHOUT those massive tone sucking cable runs?
Want your effects back at the amp with the ability to control on stage with a simple footswitch?
We have the answer!
The Remote Loopy-2 allows you to set up the effects in your amps FX loop and control them remotely from anywhere on the stage.
The Remote Loopy-2 uses high quality audio relays to facilitate the switching of the 2 TRUE BYPASS effects loops. The trigger in the Remote Loopy-2 can be activated by any latching switch and as there is no audio in the trigger cable, it can be as long as you like with absolutely no effect on the audio quality!