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Varie marche Punch Love Plus Effector 13

Disponibilità: BASSA
Marca: Varie Marche

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The Effector 13 Punch Love includes a second "clipping boost" mode which creates an edgy overdrive that still retains the power of the +25db goodness.

.... and for a few bucks more you can get the PLUS version in which you can engage the second mode using a footswitch for more options while playing live.

.... or if you are really looking to push your guitar to the edge, you can get the Sucka Punch which combines two Punch Loves in one!

The normal "clean boost" mode is simply +25db of clean boost perfect to send your amp (or other effects) into overdrive. Use it to boost solo's and riff's, or to give your other dirt pedals more of an edge.

The "clipping boost" mode takes the traditional design of a treble boost and ups it a notch. Most clean boosts are designed to avoid what some call "ugly clipping" (that point where at the attack of each note, the signal is overdriven just enough to create distortion). Well, the clipping boost mode is designed with this artifact kept intact for a wonderful lo-fi overdrive sound.

* True Bypass, Powered by 9 volt battery or DC jack
* Regular Dimensions : 2.37" x 4.37" ("mxr"-sized)
* PLUS Dimensions : 3.7" x 4.7"