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Articolo crisi ittierre spa it holding


Richiedi info
Fall of Ferre Owner Threatens Italian Fashion Industry, Jobs
2009-02-26 23:01:13.665 GMT

By Armorel Kenna and Chris Staiti
Feb. 27 (Bloomberg) -- The collapse of IT Holding SpA, owner
of the Gianfranco Ferre designer label, has sent ripples across
Italy’s fashion industry, threatening to take with it a host of
seamsters, fabric suppliers and other couture houses.
The Milan-based company, whose Ittierre unit makes jeans and
accessories under license for Italy’s top designers including
Roberto Cavalli and Versace, was put into bankruptcy protection
yesterday after missing loan installments and failing to pay
suppliers and royalties for as much as a year.
“The situation is extremely serious for the Italian fashion
industry,” said Carmine Pizzuto, a lawyer who represents about
40 companies that supply Ittierre.
“A failure would mean
thousands of people on the street.”
This week, Cavalli canceled the show for its young-adult
line at Milan Fashion Week, citing “the difficult situation” at
Ittierre. Designers rely on the event to court orders for their
fall/winter collections. After a meeting with government
officials, textile workers and consumer groups, Industry Minister
Claudio Scajola said last night Italy decided to aid the 70
billion-euro ($89 billion) industry and will present its first
proposal by the middle of March.
“It’s the government’s intention to sustain the sector,
which is central to the ‘Made in Italy’ branding and to the whole
Italian economy,” Scajola said in a statement. Half of the
industry’s revenue comes from exports.

‘People Are Desperate’

Companies that supply fabrics and services to Ittierre
haven’t been paid for as many as 13 months, forcing some of their
owners to take out loans, or even use their homes as collateral
to meet the payroll, said Pizzuto. The companies he represents,
among about 200 that supply IT Holding, are owed 80,000 euros to
1.6 million euros each, he said.
“The banks are threatening to take people’s houses,” he
said. “People are desperate.”
About 3,000 people throughout Italy count on IT Holding for
their livelihood, according to CGIL, the biggest national labor
union. Hardest hit is Isernia, the southern town of 21,000 people
where Ittierre’s factory is based. The company is the region’s
biggest employer after Fiat SpA, Italy’s biggest carmaker.
“Isernia needs Ittierre to be saved whatever it takes,”
Mayor Gabriele Melogli said in a telephone interview. Ittierre’s
factory is a source of income to about 600 families there. “The
province of Isernia doesn’t have the means to absorb employees if
there are layoffs.”

Diner’s Card Purchase

While IT Holding’s bankruptcy protection is the first for a
Italian publicly traded fashion company since the financial
crisis, it isn’t for Chairman Tonino Perna. Pantrem SpA, a jeans
maker founded by Perna and his brother Remo in the 1970s, went
bust in 1993 after accepting millions of euros in local and
federal government assistance. Remo Perna’s GTR SpA went bankrupt
a decade later after Prada SpA bought designer Helmut Lang and
canceled its jeans line, which GTR produced.
In 2000, Tonino Perna envisioned creating an Italian luxury-
goods empire to bring fashion, travel services and credit to
wealthy consumers. He bought the European card business of
Diner’s Club that year, planning to hold an initial public
offering. He sold it in 2003 to Citigroup Inc. to focus on the
purchase of Ferre, which he acquired through a holding company
before selling it to IT Holding for 161.7 million euros.
Financing the purchase was a 175 million-euro bond, which
was later extended to 185 million euros. It was the crippling
conditions of the bond that hampered IT Holding’s ability to
raise money in times of financial strife. Under the terms, the
company was unable to sell shares, assets or units without
turning the proceeds over to the bondholders.
Perna, through an outside spokesman, declined to comment.

Malo Cashmere

IT Holding, which also owns the Malo cashmere brand and Plus
IT accessories unit, missed a loan payment in October and an
extension three months later. Standard & Poor’s cut its long-term
corporate debt rating to “selective default” in December. On
Feb. 9, Moody’s Investors Service lowered its rating on the bonds
to C, its lowest level, and downgraded the company’s probability
of default to D, signifying default on all obligations.
“If Ittierre loses the licenses, the value of the company
will drop dramatically,” said Davide Vimercati, an analyst at
UniCredit Markets & Investment Banking in Milan. “It would
really surprise me” if designers weren’t looking for
alternatives to Ittierre, he said.

For Related News and Information:
IT Holding’s debt distribution: ITH IM DDIS
Top Italy news: ITAT
Stories on bankruptcies NI BCY BN
Top retail news: TOP CON
Stories on European smallcap stocks: TNI SMALLCAP EUROPE

--Editors: Kenneth Wong, Keith Campbell

To contact the reporter on this story:
Armorel Kenna in Milan at +39-02-8064-4216 or;
Chris Staiti at +44-20-7330-7108 or

To contact the editor responsible for this story:
Kenneth Wong in Berlin at +49-30-70010-6215 or