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Our fur shop has been in the business for over seventy years . Craftsmanship , attention to details , and careful selection of furs lead to a durable high quality product.

Tailoring guarantees exclusive models . Marabotti- Mori fur shop combines the age-old tradition with modern techniques in order to create soft and modern style products.

Progress and tradition together produce a truly exclusive, personalized and modern fur product: the fur of your dreams .

A wide range of fashion products available : hats, scarfs, stole shawls, bags with fur decorations, etc.

The following services are available as well:

· Cleaning

· Summer storage

· Model adaptation

· Discount on a new product in exchange of a used one

And that’s not all Bring us your own model or idea, and we’ll turn it into a beautiful fur product!

You will also find: original scarf models, fur gilets, gloves, hats, accessories... all hand-made! We will also turn your idea into reality!

N.B.: Fur shop Marabotti- Mori uses only furs that come from well selected fur animal farms in northern Europe, North America and Canada that adhere to the terms of the Washington Convention in their treatment of animals for further information please visit: .

For foreign customers , it is possible to organize service in languages other than Italian and it is also possible to v isit our workshop , where our tailor-made products are created.

It is, however, necessary to request this service approx. a week before arrival (and it is free ).

Languages spoken : English, Finnish, Russian, French, German, Swedish, Spanish.

Since our interpreters are not always in the shop, for further information please contact: