Sei in: Chi siamo

Chi siamo

Carpenteria Nicoli Italo & Figli Srl was founded in 1976 by Mr. Italo Nicoli, who is currently the Chairman of the company. He gained experience in the metal sheet forming sector and in metal welded construction. In fact he started his caerer as employee for a company that was acting in this field, and since 1976 he become a business owner.

The company holds his characteristic of a family run company, indeed it is now carried on by the sons: Davide and Dino Nicoli, whom have an international orientation, especially for European markets.

as a matter of fact, in the 2008 they decided to open a new production plant in Slovakian Republic with Headquarter in Levice (1 maja 13 - 93401 Levice) and production plant in Sahy (SNP 53 - 93601 Sahy - VAT: 2022605853). The internationalisation process consists in a transfer of knowledge acquired over the year, and has the aim to supply products with high quality to a lower price, as benefit for our customers.

Tipo Impresa: Società a responsabilità limitata (s.r.l.)

Parole chiave:

Mag , Mig , Tig , Calandratura , Carpenteria leggera , Carpenteria pesante , Fresatura , Lamiera , Lavorazioni meccaniche alesatura , Piegatura , Profili , Saldatura filo , Saldature , Statori , Strutture saldate , Taglio plasma , Tubi , Carpenteria metallica ,