Sei in: Chi siamo
Chi siamo
La SOGESI è una società con esperienza quindicennale, dinamica e in forte espansione. Gestiamo interi cicli produttivi per conto terzi con un attenzione particolare alla qualità nel settore dell'handling, nei trasporti terrestri, aeroportuali e navali.La mission della nostra azienda è quella di fornire servizi integrati in outsourcing che spaziano dal management al front office, sino all'handling ai servizi di security interna e diretti attraverso le nostre piattaforme logistiche.
SOGESI is a company with fifteen years of experience, dynamic and rapidly expanding. We manage entire production cycles on behalf of third parties with particular attention to quality in the handling sector, in land, airport and naval transport. Our company's mission is to provide integrated outsourcing services ranging from management to the front office, up to 'handling of internal and direct security services through our logistics platforms.
SOGESI is a company with fifteen years of experience, dynamic and rapidly expanding. We manage entire production cycles on behalf of third parties with particular attention to quality in the handling sector, in land, airport and naval transport. Our company's mission is to provide integrated outsourcing services ranging from management to the front office, up to 'handling of internal and direct security services through our logistics platforms.
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