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Efesto designs & develops structural elements for the entertainment, architectural & associated markets, including trussing, staging, roof systems & more
EFESTO production designs and develops mobile constructions for the entertainment, theatre, exhibition and associated markets, including trussing, stages, barriers roof systems, hoists and drive systems. Efesto delivers high quality, innovative and efficient products with a high emphasis on safety. Its product range is based on wide experience of the industry and the company has earned a reputation as a reliable and flexible partner by providing service and technical back-up on a personal basis.
Please visit // for a complete overview of our products and capabilities.
Contact US
Tel. +39 0815156116 +39 0815156116 Fax +39 0815165028
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company Tipo Impresa: Società a responsabilità limitata (s.r.l.) Numero dipendenti: Piccola impresa (dai 10 ai 50 dipendenti) Fatturato: dai 500.000 ai 1.000.000 di euro Parole chiave:Alluminio , Aluminium clamps , Aluminium truss , Aluminium trusses , Aluminum , Americane alluminio , Americane per stand , Attrezzature spettacolo , Copertura palchi , Coperture alluminio , Coperture modulari , Efesto , Efesto production , Elevatori , Ganci , Ganci alluminio , Graticci teatro , Palchi , Paranchi , Paranchi motore , Pedane passacavi , Sistemi sollevamento , Stand fieristici , Stand personalizzati , Stativi , Strutture alluminio , Strutture palchi , Strutture per stand , Strutture spettacolo , Strutture teatro , Tavole palco , Torri , Torri sollevamento , Tralicci , Tralicci alluminio , Tralicci per stand , Tralicci stand , Travi alluminio , Truss made italy , Allestimento stand , |