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Praga european urology residents education program eurep


Praga ESAME EUROPEO DI UROLOGIA. EAU European Urology Residents Education Programme (EUREP)

The EAU EUREP Programme is designed for European urological residents in their final year of training and is held in Prague every year. EUREP aims to provide optimal theoretical and practical urological education for all European urological residents.

EUREP does not compete with existing educational programmes for urological residents, but rather aims to give a supra-national dimension to education in Europe. At the end of each EUREP session, residents can take the EBU exams.

This teaching programme has been developed and created exclusively for all European urological residents;EUREP provides an almost complete update and overview of modern urological practice presented by a distinguished European faculty;The EUREP programme is an initiative of the European School of Urology in collaboration with the European Board of Urology;Participants are tested in a multiple choice evaluation during sessions;Participants have the possibility to do the written part of the FEBU exam (Fellow of the European Board of Urology) on the last day of the programme (Selection to sit the FEBU written examination in November does not guarantee participation in the EUREP programme. There is no direct relation between the content of the EUREP programme and the FEBU written examination.)

The EUREP is a full six-day course comprising five modules. Each day is made up of two sessions and lasts about seven hours. Morning sessions feature state-of-the-art lectures while afternoon sessions offer interactive case discussions, videos, and test your knowledge segments. To coincide with the educational course a hands-on-training facility is also offered to participating residents

Data Inizio: 27/08/2009
Data Fine: 02/09/2009
Frequenza evento: Annuale