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Grembiuli per commessa pasticceria

Grembiuli per pasticcerie e dolciumi

grembiuli davantini per commesse pasticceria

Grembiuli pettorina corti per commessa pasticceria con tasche, taglia regolabile con lacci posteriori, un modo elegante per presentarsi alla propria clientela. Scegli tra le tante versioni dei nostri grembiuli pasticceria e davantini in colori e fantasie adatte al tuo bar pasticceria. I grembiuli sono idonei per creare una divisa ed essendo a taglia unica non si sbaglia nella scelta della taglia



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Aprons for pastry shops and confectionery

front aprons for pastry shop assistants

Short aprons for pastry shop saleswoman with pockets, adjustable size with rear laces, an elegant way to present yourself to your customers. Choose from the many versions of our pastry aprons and front doors in colors and patterns suitable for your pastry bar. The aprons are suitable for creating a uniform and being one size fits all you are not mistaken in choosing the size



Elegant classics apron and modern aprons for your restaurant, bar, pizzeria.

Aprons for bars, restaurants, pizzerias, aprons for ice cream parlors, pastry shops. Colored and patterned aprons. Elegant and original Italian design bartender aprons. Aprons for hotel waiters with bib and short aprons to tie at the waist. Rustic pub aprons. Pub aprons in jeans and leather with man-woman combinations.

Create your personalized uniform for your bar-restaurant with the wide range of aprons that we offer with classic aprons and modern aprons for youth environments.