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Spiral mixer - mixer baby

Spiral mixer baby ranges from 6 kg to 50 kg. Because it guarantees excellent dough in a very short working time, it is perfectly suitable for bakery, ...

Spiral mixer - m mix

M-MIX is a fixed spiral bowl mixer suitable to range from 30 to 300 kg's dough. The machine is equipped with double motors, reversal bowl, blade shaft...

Spiral mixer removable bowl - m mix

Spiral removable bowl mixer ranges from 130 kg to 250 kg's dough. The machine is available with double motors and multiple timer speeds, inversion bow...

Spiral mixer double drive - m supreme

Designed for mixing flours both with high percentage of gluten and for hard dough with low percentage of water. The mixer is reinforced in all its cri...

Mixer idle bowl - fork

This is a 160 kg fork mixer with a head lift and a fixed bowl. The structure is made of thick treated steel, with non-toxic painting, suitable for ind...