Degree Conversion and Microhardness of a Composite: Light Curing Comparison
Francesco Ciolino 2, , Angelo Putignano 2, Carla Conti 1 , Paolo Ferraris 1 , Giorgio Tosi 1
Dip. di Scienze e Tecnologie Chimiche 1 , Dip. di Scienze Odontostomatologiche 2
Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona (Italy)
Objiect: aim of this study was to evaluate the difference of the DC (degree convertion) and mycrohardness of a new commercialized composite using three different kind of light cures, evidencing which of the two LED or the one halogen light cures works better in clinical times.
Methods: we compared the Halogen Optilux 501, LED Dna Anthos, LED Demi Kerr light cures programs polymerizing 63 samples of Premize Kerr threemodal composite: every light cure program was tested polymerizing 3 samples of 1mm, 3 samples of 2mm, 3samples of 3 mm thickness. The total number of programs analyzed was 7 ( 2 for Optilux, 2 for Dna Anthos, 3 for Demi Kerr); 21 of this polymerized samples( 1 sample of 1mm, 1 sample of 2mm, 1 sample of 3 mm thickness) were selected to compare VikersHardness .Samples were analyzed with spectrometer FT-IR Perkin Elmer Spectrum and spectrometer GX FT-NIR Perkin Elmer Spectrum One NTS to evaluate the DC of the Premize composite and Leitz Micro-Hardness Tester to evaluate hits microhardness.
Results: the DC percentage’s averages found were: 77,61% (Opltilux 20’’), 91,78% (Optilux 40’’), 90,35% (Dna Anthos prog. RAMP), 89,68% (Dna Anthos prog. 3), 86,15% ( DemiKerr 5’’), 92.10% (DemiKerr 10’’), 89,46% (DemiKerr 20’’); the VikersHardness ‘s averages found were: 63,13HV(Opltilux 20’’), 66,8HV(Optilux 40’’), 70,1HV(Dna Anthos prog. RAMP), 53,64HV (Dna Anthos prog. 3), 63,63HV( DemiKerr 5’’), 61,63HV( DemiKerr 10’’), 64,67HV( DemiKerr 20’’).
Conclusion: Datas found allow us to say that Optilux guarantees optimum DC and microhardness if used for 40’’, not in 20’’. Dna Anthos and DemiKerr LED light cures guarantees good clinical results in reasonably short times, the second LED one evidenced a better DC/micro-hardness report.