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Ground Handling International | Lithium Difference

More and more investments are being made in the green conversion of airports through the electrification of a growing number of applications as diverse as GPUs, tow tractors, pushback,beltloaders, ambulifts and passenger stairs to name a few to meet the ambitious challenges of the Green Deal, which sees airports drastically reducing their emissions by 2030.

In its last article, Ground Handling International discussed with Flash Battery Business Development Manager, Elisabetta Orlandi, the current trends towards the electrification of the GSE sector and the main needs of OEMs in this field which Flash Battery addresses with its customised LFP lithium battery solutions.

“We see the electrification trend happening across the globe in airports at all levels. The total cost of ownership is convincing ground handlers, and OEMs to purchase lithium battery-powered machines over their diesel and lead-acid counterparts. Our growth in the segment, which has increased by 40% since 2019 confirms these trends, expecting another 30% boost this year. We are growing fast and we want to become an active promoter of the current transition".
Elisabetta Orlandi - Business Development Manager at Flash Battery

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