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IVT | Flash Battery and Fassi Gru: collaboration ushers new frontier in electric lifting

Sharing a tailor-made approach, combined with the desire to make its cranes greener, has led Fassi Gru to turn to Flash Battery for the electrification of its mid-range cranes. The first electrified model, a F345RB.2.26 XE Dynamic crane mounted behind the cabin, chose the versatility, performance and customisation of Flash Battery lithium batteries, combining them with SHT (Smart Hybrid Technology), developed by Fassi Gru with the aim of making its applications moresustainable.
The result? A high-voltage battery pack (51.2V, 560Ah - 28.6kWh) that is completely customised from both a mechanical and electrical point of view, respecting the specific needs of the vehicle in terms of dimensions, operation and performance, and that allows the crane to operate in full electric mode even in indoor areas, reducing consumption and polluting emissions of the endothermic truck that supports it, while maintaining high performance .
“The enormous added value of this project was to have reached an outstanding joint result ever since the prototype phase and supplying an industrialised and optimised finished product in a market such as that of construction, where electric conversion is a trend enjoying exponential growth.”
Marco Righi - CEO and Founder of Flash Battery