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Flash Battery participates in the First Joint IPCEI summit in Finland

On November 15, Flash Battery participated in the First Joint Battery IPCEI , in conjunction with Kokkola Material Week , coordinated by the French and German governments and held in Kokkola, Finland. It was a great chance to exchange on the state of play in the two IPCEI projects and the battery ecosystem, as well as on all the challenges, in the spirit of the projects' networking.

Silvia Delbono , Project Administration & fundraising of Flash Battery , together with SEEL, Swedish Electric Transport Laboratory , had the opportunity to present the progresses of the relevant activities as 'success stories' within the first IPCEI and highlighted how the R&D, IT and production departments of our company have been engaged in creating an innovative and sustainable ecosystem for batteries in Europe and what are the next steps towards an ever sustainable European battery value chain.

Learn more about the involvement of Flash Battery in the First IPCEI Project here: //