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Which lithium chemistry is most suitable for the electrification of your vehicle?
𝗟𝗙𝗣, 𝗡𝗠𝗖, 𝗡𝗖𝗔, 𝗟𝗠𝗢, 𝗟𝗖𝗢, 𝗟𝗧𝗢... Did you know that 70% of a lithium battery's performance comes from choosing the right chemistry? There are 6 main lithium-based chemistries on the market today, all of which are valid and high-performing, but each of them gives its best in different sectors.
So, let's compare them! Find out which chemistry is most suitable for the electrification of your application and what are their main characteristics.
Read more in our latest blog article! //