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Dott.ssa Silvia Clausi
L’approccio basato sulla persona di riferimento al nido.
L’approccio basato sulla persona di riferimento al nido. Bellucci MT, Clausi S. In “Il nido. Educazione e cura della prim...
L’approccio basato sulla persona di riferimento al nido. Bellucci MT, Clausi S. In “Il nido. Educazione e cura della prim...
La Teoria dell’attaccamento: l’educatrice come base sicura.
La Teoria dell’attaccamento: l’educatrice come base sicura. Clausi S , Nuovo M. In “Il nido. Educazione e cura della p...
La Teoria dell’attaccamento: l’educatrice come base sicura. Clausi S , Nuovo M. In “Il nido. Educazione e cura della p...
Phonological short-term store impairment after cerebellar lesion: A single case study.
Phonological short-term store impairment after cerebellar lesion: A single case study. Francesca R Chiricozzi, Silvia Clausi, Marco Molinari, M...
Phonological short-term store impairment after cerebellar lesion: A single case study. Francesca R Chiricozzi, Silvia Clausi, Marco Molinari, M...
Cognitive sequencing impairment in patients with focal or atrophic cerebellar damage
Cognitive sequencing impairment in patients with focal or atrophic cerebellar damage Leggio MG, Tedesco AM, Chiricozzi FR, Clausi S , Orsini A...
Cognitive sequencing impairment in patients with focal or atrophic cerebellar damage Leggio MG, Tedesco AM, Chiricozzi FR, Clausi S , Orsini A...
Cerebellum and Detection of Sequences, from Perception to Cognition.
Cerebellum and Detection of Sequences, from Perception to Cognition. Marco Molinari, Francesca Chiricozzi, Silvia Clausi , Anna Tedesco, Maria...
Cerebellum and Detection of Sequences, from Perception to Cognition. Marco Molinari, Francesca Chiricozzi, Silvia Clausi , Anna Tedesco, Maria...
Quantification of gray matter changes in the cerebral cortex after isolated cerebellar damage: a vox
Quantification of gray matter changes in the cerebral cortex after isolated cerebellar damage: a voxel-based morphometry study. Silvia Clausi, ...
Quantification of gray matter changes in the cerebral cortex after isolated cerebellar damage: a voxel-based morphometry study. Silvia Clausi, ...
The neuropsychological profile of cerebellar damage: The sequencing hypothesis.
The neuropsychological profile of cerebellar damage: The sequencing hypothesis. Leggio MG, Chiricozzi FR, Clausi S , Tedesco AM, Molinari M. ...
The neuropsychological profile of cerebellar damage: The sequencing hypothesis. Leggio MG, Chiricozzi FR, Clausi S , Tedesco AM, Molinari M. ...
The Cerebellar Cognitive Profile
The Cerebellar Cognitive Profile Tedesco AM, Chiricozzi FR, Clausi S , Lupo M, Molinari M, Leggio MG. Brain 2011 leggi l'abstract...
The Cerebellar Cognitive Profile Tedesco AM, Chiricozzi FR, Clausi S , Lupo M, Molinari M, Leggio MG. Brain 2011 leggi l'abstract...
Oculomotor deficits affect neuropsychological performance in oculomotor apraxia type 2.
Oculomotor deficits affect neuropsychological performance in oculomotor apraxia type 2. Clausi S , De Luca M, Chiricozzi FR, Tedesco AM, Casali...
Oculomotor deficits affect neuropsychological performance in oculomotor apraxia type 2. Clausi S , De Luca M, Chiricozzi FR, Tedesco AM, Casali...
Cerebellar Damage Impairs Executive Control and Monitoring of Movement Generation.
Cerebellar Damage Impairs Executive Control and Monitoring of Movement Generation. Brunamonti E, Chiricozzi FR, Clausi S, Olivito G, Giusti ...
Cerebellar Damage Impairs Executive Control and Monitoring of Movement Generation. Brunamonti E, Chiricozzi FR, Clausi S, Olivito G, Giusti ...
Monitoring mood states in everyday life: a new device for patients with cerebellar ataxia.
Monitoring mood states in everyday life: a new device for patients with cerebellar ataxia. Clausi S , Aloise F, Contento MP, Pizzamiglio L, Molinari...
Monitoring mood states in everyday life: a new device for patients with cerebellar ataxia. Clausi S , Aloise F, Contento MP, Pizzamiglio L, Molinari...