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Offerte famiglie con bambini
Offerte Famiglie

Per tutto il periodo le famiglie che soggiornano in camera doppia in mezza pensione o in pensione completa, i bambini fino a 3 anni soggiornano gratuitamente, dai 4 anni ai 12 sconto del 50%
Per informazioni sulle tariffe contattare direttamente l'Hotel chiamando al n. +39 0185231103 o inviando una e-mail al seguente indirizzo:

English Offers Families

Throughout the period the families residing in a double room in half or full board, children up to 3 years are free, from 4 to the 12 y.o. reduced by 50%.
For information on rates contact directly by calling the hotel at no +39 0185231103 or by sending an e-mail to: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Français Offres Familles
Tout au long de la période, la famille résidant dans une chambre double en demi-pension ou pension complète, les enfants jusqu'à 3 ans gratuit,des 4 au 12 et la réduction de taxe de 50%.
Pour obtenir des renseignements sur les taux de contacter directement en appelant l'hôtel à pas +39 0185231103 ou par l'envoi d'un e-mail à: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

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