maria rita campa architetto
Riqualificazione urbana - Design - Ricerca
Pubblicazioni scientifiche:
M.R. Campa, E.E. Viollet-le-Duc between theory and practice of conservation. The Carcassonne town case , in Hardy, Matthew (ed.), The Venice Charter Revisited , Cambridge, UK, in stampa
M.R. Campa, Le 'Nouvelles Inventions' di Philibert de l’Orme , Aracne Editrice, Roma, 2009
M. R. Campa (a cura di), Nouvelles Inventions pour bien bastir et à petits fraiz , PolibaPress, Bari, 2009
M.R. Campa, E.E. Viollet-le-Duc: innovation and tradition in architecture. Language of form and structure in the conception of polyhedral vaults , in Proceedings of the Third International Congress on Construction History , Cottbus, 2009